Topps Project 2020: 5/20 Print Runs

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Not even halfway through the 400-card set, but we may be seeing the two cards with the highest print run in this entire set moving forward. Here are the Topps Project cards for 5/20. If you want to learn more about this set, and see a chart on recent sales trends click here.

UPDATE: This is not the print run I was expecting. At all. This is high, but this is nowhere where I thought these two cards would be. Thiele’s Jeter won by hitting 20974 copies, while Jamieson’s McGwire finished at 18205 copies.

Project 2020: May, 20th

Derek Jeter by Thiele and an EPIC Mark McGwire by Jamieson. Woooo boy.

Thiele is an interesting buy because he not only has already one of the highest print run cards, Mike Trout, but also one of the lowest in Willie Mays. Derek Jeter’s top card is by artist Grotesk. Even at 6500 copies it’s now starting to command close to $200. That’s not to say that Saladeen or Taylor’s will ever get close to that, but if you’re a Jeter collector this is obviously a must-have at any rate.

This card has a wonderful montage of Jeter images in the background, and it really tells a story about his career. You see that blend in the other players, but this one has just been taken up a notch for sure.

Blake Jamieson is a rising-star among the collectors on Twitter and Facebook, and his lower print-runs of his first four cards are creating some hefty increases. Mattingly, Jackie, Nolan and Rickey are the first entries, but McGwire must be his best creatively.

The perfect blend of 1985 and ’87 Topps-McGwire cards hits that collector-tickle of nostalgia that makes this one of the best renditions of a card. Ever.

P.S. Topps has updated its description for these cards now stating that they are coming in plastic holders, not magnetics. Will you still buy?

See the FULL artist gallery for Project 2020

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