Steiner Sports can help your charity

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Since 1987 Steiner Sports has been a” full-service sports marketing agency” ; partnering with over 1700 athletes, they are one of the premier places for sports memorabilia. They focus on the memorabilia, marketing, and also have online auctions.

Steiner Sports has the ability to help out with fundraising needs as well. They can provide you with a list of items from which to choose based on the type of event you would like to hold.  You then have a choice of selecting items below retail price and deciding to either purchase them outright or taking them on consignment.  If you purchase the item you can not return them, but if you decide to take on consignment you can return any items that may not have sold.

Let’s say you decide on a Derek Jeter baseball- You take the ball out on consignment for the agreed price of $200, then put the ball up in your charity auction.  It ends up being bid up and sold for $500, so you would get to keep the $300 for charity and pay Steiner sports the $200 agreed upon price.

Steiner Sports are available for more information at 914-365-6778 or at [email protected]

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